MainAbout companyNewsJSC Nefteavtomatika is assigned a DUNS number in the system of digital identification for business entities developed by an international company Dun & Bradstreet (D&B)
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JSC Nefteavtomatika is assigned a DUNS number in the system of digital identification for business entities developed by an international company Dun & Bradstreet (D&B)
28 November 2019
DUNS number 357838700 is a special company identifier in the D&B international base using which you can find our company in the international reference book for the purposes of credit monitoring or to make sure that the company is trustworthy in the international market.
Together with the number assigned, the company receives a “trust seal”, which enables all contractual partners to make sure that information about the company is accurate.
The unique digital code and the “trust seal” are a confirmation of our company’s business reputation being transparent and clear for international companies.