One of the key activities of JSC Nefteavtomatika is rendering services in the sphere of metrological support. These activities are provided by a Metrological Function of JSC Nefteavtomatika under the management of the Chief Metrologist.
The Metrological Function of JSC Nefteavtomatika is represented by Head Scientific and Metrological Center in Kazan and metrological affiliates in adjustment departments and standalone subdivisions. The function employs personnel qualified for verification and calibration of metering devices of leading international and domestic manufacturers, for expert review of documentation, for qualification of measurement procedures and carrying out tests to approve a type of metering devices.
Focus areas of the Function:
- Development of operating and reference metering systems, test equipment;
- Development of regulatory engineering documentation, interstate and national standards, company standards;
- Preparation of recommendations on metrology and interstate standardization;
- Verification and calibration of metering systems, including channels of metering systems, as well as tests of metering systems, liquid meters and liquid flow meters, temperature and pressure transmitters, tanks of various types, and other metering systems applied in petrochemical, gas chemical and other industries;
- Development and qualification of measurement procedures for flow rate, quantity and level of liquids and gases, quality parameters of oil and oil products;
- Metrological expert review of engineering and design documentation;
- Tests of metering systems to approve their type;
- Experimental research of metering systems metrological characteristics;
- Finding the reasons of debalance between a supplier and a consumer;
- Development and qualification of algorithms and software in the area of flow rate and quantity measurement for liquids and gases;
- Keeping an industry-specific register of custody transfer stations for oil and oil products, issuing certificates of registration and assigning a number to them;
- Scientific research in the area of precision methods development for measurements of flow rate, quantity and quality parameters for hydrocarbons.
JSC Nefteavtomatika has the required accreditation certificates in the area of measurement assurance for the following activities and (or) services:
- Calibration of metering systems, accreditation certificate No. RA.RU.310561;
- Verification of metering systems, accreditation certificate No. RA.RU.310667
- Qualification of metering procedures (methods) and metrological expert review, accreditation certificate No. RA.RU.310652;
- Tests of metering systems to approve their type, accreditation certificate No. RA.RU.311366.